Saturday, February 3, 2007

Exfoliation - Not Just For Your Face Anymore

Over the past year, I’ve been searching high and low for the most effective, highest quality lotions for Julep (my basement is a garden of different colored lotion bottles).

When I started out evaluating samples, all of the lotions felt more or less the same to me. Some were lighter than others, and some smelled better than others, but they all provided a temporary coat of slipperyness that made it difficult to pick up my afternoon martini safely.

Then I started evaluating exfoliating scrubs, and everything changed. After using a scrub like Uspa’s Bamboo Polish, I was able to tell the difference between lotions that just sat on the top of my skin versus the ones that penetrated and absorbed. My eyes, and pores, have been opened. My cuticles stopped peeling, and I could feel the effects of some of my samples hours after an application.

Now I exfoliate my hands daily. Karri and I are still in the process of working out our product line, but one thing I’m sure about is the need to offer a great exfoliator both in our services and in our “take-home” offerings.